Thursday, February 28, 2013


Oh Em Gee

So we went to the dentist.

And I should have just paid for the cavity the first time!

Now she needs a partial root canal. A cap. And something else. (I dont speak dentist)

Its going to be $2000!!!!


I guess its a good thing that all I do is stay home and spend no money because this is a time I really need it.

She has her next appt scheduled for March 12

She always brushes her teeth with me, but I am still at fault because I have not made dental hygiene a number 1 priority.
Starting now. NO MORE SWEETS. Only for special events like birthdays and graduations.
And we will be brushing our teeth after we eat ANYTHING! I am going to do it also so she feels like its something everyone does. Plus that's better for my teeth also :):)

So the moral of the story is GO TO THE DENTIST EVERY 6 MONTHS.

I started a sticker book so Jazzmyn can visually see when she brushes her teeth

Its a little year planner and everyday she gets a sticker for the morning and night.
And if she brushes her teeth in between she gets to wear one on her shirt. :) She gets proud when she wears one on her shirt because she tells everyone how she got it

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

my dream


So my name is Brianna
and instagram = jazzmynsmommy

All I wanted my whole life was to be a mom.

I remember feeling like I had nothing to live for when I was younger, like mid-way through high school, and all I could keep telling myself was that I wanted to live for 3 things.

I wanted to go to prom
I wanted to be a mom
and I want to own a house.

I didnt end up going to prom.
I went to an alternative high school my junior and senior year and there was no prom

I AM A MOM!! :):):):):)

and some day I will own a house

Being a mom is the perfect job for me.
I love waking up to my little girl and going on play dates and watching disney movies and going to the zoo and playing with other kids and making kid friendly food.

I think I should have been born in the 50's where it was normal for the mom to be a stay at home mom and the dad work outside of the home.

Unlucky for me, we don't live in that time so I have to work, plus I am going through a divorce so I wouldnt have any income if I didnt work. haha

All I want is to stay at home with Jazzmyn doing crafts and projects from Pinterest and magically a paycheck gets deposited into my account.

I know I know. EVERYONE wants that

Pinterest is ahhhhh-mazing.
I love it.
You can find a furniture design, recipe, or craft all at the same time.

Who else loves Pinterest???
I know I am not alone

And even if you are not a parent I am sure that you love Pinterst and would love to stay home and just accomplish crafts and recipes from all of your boards.

SOOOO when someone finds that job let me know :)

Jazzmyn is seriously the best. She is so sweet, smart, cute, and kind.
I could not ask for a better child.
I know I know.. everyone says that.
But I am being truthful :)

She is 3 and a half.
Hopefully starting preschool soon.
She likes going to the park and storytime.

We recently started a 4 week ice skating class.
She HATES it, but I am making her atleast finish the class because
1 its already paid for
and 2 she wont know if she likes something unless she gives it a real chance.

Thats all I can think of writing for now.


crazy random holidays

I had this idea of a blog that showed everyone that crazy random holidays that are on a regular daily basis.

But lets face it I couldnt keep up with each holiday. Sometimes it was financial and sometimes the holidays would be a dessert holiday multiple days in a row and we just had too much junk food in the house because we would eat the previous days.

Plus we are trying to become healthier so while most of the holidays happen to be about cookies or cakes we will only participate in the ones we find to be the right fit for our family.

I will still trying and keep up posting what the holiday is for that day along with a recipe or craft on  and on this blog I will only put the ones up that we participate in.

That being said...
February is Children's Dental Health Month
So tomorrow Jazzmyn has a dentist appt.
(cross your fingers because last time we didnt get a cavity filled (I know... stupid) so this time I am expecting it to be way worse.) (But I just didnt have a spare $800 bucks to get it filled :( )



I am just going to use this to write everything I am feeling at the time I am feeling it... without having to bore facebook :) 

So here goes nothing

Ill probably write about our recipe for dinner or what we are doing that day. Nothing too crazy. 

Just something to type to when I am bored.
