Wednesday, February 27, 2013

crazy random holidays

I had this idea of a blog that showed everyone that crazy random holidays that are on a regular daily basis.

But lets face it I couldnt keep up with each holiday. Sometimes it was financial and sometimes the holidays would be a dessert holiday multiple days in a row and we just had too much junk food in the house because we would eat the previous days.

Plus we are trying to become healthier so while most of the holidays happen to be about cookies or cakes we will only participate in the ones we find to be the right fit for our family.

I will still trying and keep up posting what the holiday is for that day along with a recipe or craft on  and on this blog I will only put the ones up that we participate in.

That being said...
February is Children's Dental Health Month
So tomorrow Jazzmyn has a dentist appt.
(cross your fingers because last time we didnt get a cavity filled (I know... stupid) so this time I am expecting it to be way worse.) (But I just didnt have a spare $800 bucks to get it filled :( )

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